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Finally Getting Better!

Finally Getting Better!

When my son Sawyer was born, I could not wait to take a million pictures of him and enjoy snuggling my newborn. It didn't take long after he was born to realize that something was wrong. At first I thought that maybe it was normal- the all night crying, the all day screaming, the constant wake-ups, but at a month, our pediatrician finally diagnosed my son with colic, but didn't give us any relief other than saying it will get better. Unfortunately for us, it didn't. For seven long months, we waited for it to get better. I didn't get to take the millions of pictures of my baby, because he was always crying. At six months, we started seeing some improvement. He slept longer stretches, and would play a little. When the weather started warming up, we took him out on the front porch to enjoy the sunshine. My husband was able to get a few great shots of him happy and smiling with me. This picture froze the MOMent where we finally got to start enjoying his babyhood and get to know the sweet little boy he was when he wasn't hindered by colic. It reminds me that motherhood is about enjoying those happy moments, even when life is hard.

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