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Monroe #TomlynLovesPets

Monroe #TomlynLovesPets

This photo is of my dog, Monroe. I love animals and have wanted a dog of my own for as long as I can remember, but unfortunately worked such long hours that it didn't seem fair - I knew I wouldn't be able to devote enough time. When I accepted a new job 18 months ago, I knew my chance had come. I met several dogs at shelters, but hadn't found the one until I met Monroe. He immediately knew I was his person, too - as soon as we got home he jumped up onto the couch and sat on my lap for the rest of the night. There was no adjustment period with him, he acted like he had been with me forever. Two months after I brought him home, he was diagnosed with IMHA, an autoimmune disorder that landed him in Auburn University's ICU for a week. He has recovered better than anyone could have expected, and I think it's because he knows he's my best friend. I couldn't imagine a life without him.

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