Family Promise - transforming lives

A parent loses her job, an injury results in a father being unable to work, a family breaks up, a parent become ill, a vehicle breaks down. Healthcare costs are on the rise, public transportation is underfunded, affordable housing is almost impossible to find. These are the reasons why families are homeless, making up 40% of the homeless population. In response to this crisis, Family Promise of Knoxville (along with 180 affiliate program nation-wide) brings the inter-faith community together to help families regain housing, independence, and dignity. Family Promise of Knoxville provides families in need with safe shelter, meals, and support; empowering families to eliminate barriers, achieve employment, transportation, healthcare, and housing. Eighty-one percent of families successfully obtain safe, secure housing; ninety-five percent of those families have maintain that housing two years after graduation.

by: Anne Umbach

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